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  Coco(《寻梦环游记》), Disney’ s latest cartoon movie, did a successful job in showing the afterlife and people’s memories(记忆) of their dead family members.

The movie comes from the Mexican(墨西哥) holiday of Dia de los Muertos(亡灵节). The young boy Miguel loves music so much. However, his family all say NO to his musical dream. That really lets him down, so he runs away from home. On Dia de los Muertos, he goes to the “Land of the Dead” by accident(偶然). There, Miguel meets his dead family members and has an adventure(冒险). Only after the experience does he know how much his family love him.

In the movie, the “Land of Dead” is not a scary place. There are friendly skeletons(骷髅). On Dia de los Muertos, they can cross a bridge of flowers to “visit” their living family members. As long as their family put their photos on a family shrine(神龛), they can do this every year. If not, their spirits(灵魂) will disappear into the air.

The movie sends a clear and warm message about the importance of family. Family is at the center of Mexican culture. On Dia de los Muertos, people in Mexico share food and drinks to remember their ancestors(祖先), just like the people in the movie. The movie teaches kids to keep and respect(尊重) the memory of their elders.

【1】How does Miguel feel when his family say NO to him?

A.Happy B.Sad C.Free

【2】When does Miguel realize(意识到) his family love him?

A.When his family all say NO to his musical dream

B.Before he meets his dead family members

C.After he has an adventure experience

【3】What can we learn about the “Land of the Dead”?

A.Scary skeletons live on the “Land of the Dea”

B.There is a bridge of flowers for skeletons to visit living family members

C.The skeletons can also visit living family members if they don’t have photos on a family shrine

【4】What is the most important thing in Mexican culture?

A.Family B.Money C.Food and drinks

【5】What does the passage mainly(主要地) want to tell us?

A.The Mexican holiday of Dia de los Muertos

B.Disney’ s latest cartoon movie Coco

C.A young boy’s musical dream

更新时间:2024-04-28 04:05:02








【1】细节理解题。题干问:当米格尔的家人对他说不的时候,他是什么感觉?根据文中“That really lets him down”可知,那真的让他失望。故选B。

【2】细节理解题。题干问:米格尔什么时候意识到他的家人是爱他的?根据文中“Only after the experience does he know how much his family love him.”可知,只有在经历过这些,他知道了他的家人有多么爱他。故选C。

【3】推理判断题。题干问:关于“死亡之地”,我们能学到什么?根据文中“they can cross a bridge of flowers to “visit” their living family members”可知,人们可以穿过一座花桥去“拜访”他们活着的家人。故选B。

【4】细节理解题。题干问:墨西哥文化中最重要的是什么?根据文中“Family is at the center of Mexican culture.”可知,家庭是墨西哥文化的中心。故选A。


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